Behind everything we eat, there are seeds…This event is a 4-day event dedicated to the challenges of cultivated biodiversity, including peer meetings and a seed festival. This event targets producers, market gardeners, seed growers and everybody who want to take part in a seed cooperative dynamic.
Day 1 – Thursday December 7.

Part of the European projects DiversiGO and Diveract. The objectives of the day are to discuss the results of the ending project DiversiGO to discover the further to the continuation of the project with Diveract and to reflect together on future variety trials and the use of these projects as a Research & Development tool for the future seed cooperative…
- 9.30 AM: Welcome coffee
- 10.00 – 11.00 AM: Presentation of the trials carried out as part of the DiversiGO project
- 11.00 AM- 12.30 PM: Round tables with exchanges of experience – Exchange between producers on interesting farmers varieties – Discussion on the farmer varieties to be developed as a priority
- 12.30 – 2.00 PM: Lunch in the campus canteen
- 2.00 – 4.30 PM: Presentation of the Diveract project: What opportunities for a regional cooperative?
- 4.30 PM: Travel to Cannes-la-Bocca
- 6.00 PM: Movie « Essaimons-nous » on the creation of a seed cooperative, followed by a debate with the director and producers (in French).
- 7.45 – 8.30 PM: Aperitif-dinner at the Cineum in Cannes la Bocca.
- 8.30 – 9.30 PM: Movie « SEEDS » by Vandana Shiva. Return to the hotels in the centre of Cannes.
Day 2 – Friday December 8.

The objective of the day is to discuss between peers the business challenges and opportunities of farmers seeds.
- 8.00 AM: Welcome – Coffee
- 9.00 – 10.00 AM: Presentation of the participants and the business issues that have emerged
- 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM: Discussions on business issues and how to take the most of farmers seeds.
- 12:30 – 1:30 PM: Lunch break in the Campus canteen
- 1:30 – 3:30 PM: Parallel workshops on the different models and organisations about seeds sharing
- 7:00 – 8.30 PM: Aperitif dinner with everyone’s specialities
- 8.30 PM: Artistic moment
Day 3 – Saturday December 9.

This day will celebrate the cultivated biodiversity of the Alpes-Maritimes. Programme: round-tables, tastings, seeds exchange, creative activities for children, a concert and, of course, plenty to eat and drink in a convivial atmosphere. Come to support the Maralpines farmers seeds and take part in the citizens’ movement for cultivated biodiversity.
Registration and accomodation
This event will take place in Campus Vert d’Azur in Antibes.
Access : 1285 Av. Jules Grec, 06600 Antibes. Available by public transports from Antibes station.
Accomodation: thursday 7/12 in Cannes (20 euros) and from friday 8/12 in boarding school.
For registration, please contact us at